Programs for the LGP-30 were written using coding sheets, where comments could be added. Unfortunately, the library of subroutines is available only as tape images and documentation on paper. The tape images, althogh plain text, are practically incomprehensible without entering them into coding sheets, or applying similar techniques. Using legacy coding sheets seems unefficient, and there should be a better way to write down LGP-30 progammes.
A relatively simple format
The latter is possible, because only the last 8 characters before a tick sign („conditional stop“) are available to the LGP input routine; this is a hardware feature. Thus, arbitrary text can be added, if all instructions start with 3 (or two if not relocated) zero effecting characters. Characters that produce a zero are:
Carriage returns are echoed, but dropped by the hardware.
Adding comments to loader input increases loading times, but compensated by increased productivity. Of course, a filter program could be used to stip again the redundant parts and provide a compact code.
The following layout is proposed:
A small example:
halt on overflow ;zzz0700' /zzz0700' 00 b0016' get start 01 a0017' stops on overflow u0001' loop variables: ;zzz0716' ,zzz0002' 16 7ww00000' start 17 00002000' increment start here: .zzz0700'
Inserting code is fairly easy in an editor that shows line numbers, as not all instruction lines have sector numbers, and the current sector number can often be easily calculated by subtracting an offset mentally.
A filter is prepared that:
File Extensions used:
.drum LittleGP-30 drum image .ddi decoded drum image .104 program formatted for 10.4 loader .txt kept for original tapes in 10.4 format